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Deacon Ministry

While performing their duties as set forth in the New Testament (Acts 6:1-6; I Tim. 3:8-16)), the Deacon Ministry works side-by-side with the Pastor to encourage, promote, and provide opportunities for spiritual growth, discipleship and the development of the Church. In conjunction with the Pastor, this Ministry provides service and support to the entire church family with a focus on the sick, shut-in, and the bereaved. Th Deacon Ministry also assists in the preparation and administration of the Holy Ordinances–Communion and Baptism.

Trustee Ministry

The Trustee Ministry is responsible for the maintenance, improvement, and development of all church properties and equipment–assuring all are in adequate and functional condition to meet both the current needs and future growth of the congregation.

Finance Ministry

The Finance Ministry maintains all fiduciary responsibilities for the church, including the creation of the annual church budget. This Ministry directs the development of an effective stewardship program to manage financial resources and ensure adequate funds are available to meet the budgetary needs of the church. It also looks at responsible investment opportunities which will help advance the mission of the church.

Ministerial Team

The Ministerial Team is comprised of licensed and/or ordained ministers of the Gospel, committed to the Great Commission as set forth in Matthew 28:19-20–leading unbelievers to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Christian Education

Bible Study Ministry

Bible Study promotes Christian Education for students of all ages–both adults and youth–through the study of Biblical scriptures. The Bible Study Ministry is a dynamic and informative ministry that provides in-depth explanations and answers to theological and everyday questions and situations faced by Christians. It nurtures lifelong spiritual growth and prepares each student to effectively know how to live by God’s Holy Word. Classes meet each Wednesday at 1:15 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Man Cave

Man Cave is a ministry of men devoted to discipleship, biblical studies, and spiritual growth through the study of Biblical scriptures. Interactive classes allow for questions and discussions on each lesson and create an environment conducive to building positive, strong male relationships. Man Cave meets on the 4th Friday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

She Shed

She Shed promotes Christian Education for women through the study of Biblical scriptures. It creates an environment where women of all ages and backgrounds can share their triumphs and challenges, mature as disciples, and foster spiritual growth in other sisters. She Shed meets on the 4th Friday of each month at 6:00 p.m.


Worship Service

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry renders worship through music during worship services–overseeing all the music of the church, including choirs and musical instruments. It consists of a Praise Team, Male Chorus, Mass Choir, and Youth Choirs. This Ministry leads the congregation in praising God through hymns, contemporary gospel, and praise & worship songs.

Senior Usher Ministry

The Senior Usher Ministry controls the worship environment by greeting and seating each person that enters the sanctuary. The members of this Ministry present a positive, friendly, and loving spirit at all worship services by offering a helping hand to members and visitors alike, making each feel welcomed.

Nurses Ministry

The Nurses Ministry offers on-site immediate and emergency care to congregants who may become ill or injured during a worship service. Through various activities and events, this Ministry also helps to raise the consciousness of good health practices, recognizing that physical, mental, and spiritual well-being are important elements to winning souls.

Media Ministry

The Media Ministry uses technology to capture the worship experience by overseeing the operation and maintenance of the church’s audiovisual systems during worship services. In addition, it operates our broadcasting capabilities, allowing our services to be livestreamed to members who are unable to attend services and the community at large.

Dance Ministry

The Dance Ministry, comprised of both adults and youth, praise God through liturgical dance.


Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry challenges and nurtures young people in realizing they are God’s Masterpiece. This Ministry encourages youth to mature in mind, body, and spirit through interactive Bible studies, tutoring, and the arts.

Young Joshuas

The Young Joshuas Ministry is designed to help boys and young men, ages 8 to 18, mature in mind, body, and spirit through interactive Bible studies, tutoring, and various classroom/field trip activities. This mentoring ministry teaches young males the meaning of honor, respect, discipline, and service to God.

Young Deborahs

The Young Deborahs Ministry is designed to help girls and young women, ages 8 to 18, mature in mind, body, and spirit through interactive Bible studies, tutoring, and various classroom/field trip activities. This mentoring ministry teaches young females the meaning of honor, respect, discipline, and service to God.

Junior Usher Ministry

The Junior Usher Ministry, for youth ages 4 to 18, controls the worship environment by greeting and seating each person that enters the sanctuary. The young members of this Ministry present a positive, friendly, and loving spirit at all worship services by offering a helping hand to members and visitors alike, making each feel welcomed.


Soup Kitchen Ministry

The Mt. Zion Soup Kitchen Ministry has been in operation since 1999. Volunteer staff members administer to the needs of the surrounding community by providing healthy, nutritional meals to all who come through its doors each Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This Ministry is also responsible for preparing and providing food at various church functions when food is required.

Missionary Ministry

The Missionary Ministry teaches people about Jesus Christ and His great commandment to love God and to love others. This Ministry demonstrates a love for people by addressing needs and concerns of local communities, and by offering effective evangelism and outreach activities.

Marketing Ministry

The Marketing Ministry spreads the good news of Jesus Christ through social, print, and electronic media.


Get Connected Ministry

The Get Connected Ministry focuses on contacting new members and first-time visitors to make them feel welcomed and connected with the church through letters and phone calls. In addition, this Ministry demonstrates its motto, “Get Connected, Be Connected, and Stay Connected,” by providing fun fellowshipping activities for all members.

Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry provides various activities to engage women in social and spiritual activities to enhance growth and fellowship among women. Past activities have included seminars, teas, and the creation of a Women’s Day choir.

Newsletter Ministry

The goal of the Newsletter Ministry is to inform, educate and entertain its readership, and share the “Good News” of Jesus Christ through articles written for “THE MT. ZION MESSENGER: THE GOOD NEWSletter.” This newsletter has been published for and about Mt. Zion members since 1999 on the 1st Sunday of each month.

Transportation Ministry

The Transportation Ministry provides rides to members each Sunday for worship service, and various other field trips, using a church vehicle.


Maintenance Ministry

Members of this ministry volunteer their time to do various maintenance jobs around the church, from painting walls, to laying tile, to fixing doorknobs.

Watch Now

Join us each Sunday for worship here, on Facebook, or on YouTube.


Tithes, offerings, and donations can be given online.

Get in Touch


Mt. Zion Baptist Church33 Oak StreetSpringfield, MA 01109


+1 (413) 785-5664

Copyright © Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Springfield, MA 2024. All Rights Reserved.